Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Fall Flavors

It is September! Day number one... and this morning Starbucks reminded me that it is PUMPKIN season- the "first" day actually. I am a fan of Starbucks- hello I live in Seattle and love a iced americano with non fat milk and vanilla!- but going to the store is a treat. I ventured out this morning because I am house/babysitting (as much as staying with a little adult 12 yr old is a babysitting) and they only have poptarts and sugar cereals like fruity pebbles- who does that?* Being in the foreign space has caused me to reflect on what I do differently then most people, where I came from, how much I have changed to the point what I do now is normal, and what I find comfort in- like Pumpkin! Today is a busy day of errands, but I feel inspired... maybe inspired enough to actually make food- pumpkin food*

What are you inspired by? What feels like Fall to you?

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